Quantum Internet and Telephone

Support Services - Rules & Regulations


My use of Quantum's Services, its systems, servers, and facilities constitutes my agreement with the Terms and Conditions of the Quantum Service Agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) which may be found at http://www.quantel.net/regulations as follows:


1."Quantum". Quantum refers to Quantum Telecommunications, Inc., a Maryland corporation and their successors, and assigns. The words "you, your, user(s), subscriber(s), and customer(s)" refers to the person or entity who has purchased, or, who is being provided services by  Quantum Telecommunications, Inc.


2. Responsibility. You are solely responsible for the knowledge of, and adherence to, any and all laws, statutes, rules and regulations pertaining (i) to your use of any Quantum services, and (ii) the communications means by which you connect a terminal or PC to any other service provided by Quantum.


3. Privacy. (a) Your personal privacy is very important to us. We will not release any of your information to other parties unless required by appropriate authority to do so. Prior to any disclosure, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you. (b) You may have your username as an alias. You may choose any username as long as there are no duplicates in the username list and subject to technical limitations of the system (i.e. up to maximum of 8 characters). Your username will appear in your newsgroup postings and electronic mail. Your username is your "login" authorization. (c) Usually electronic mail messages and newsgroup postings will have a comment field, and most users will want to use their real names. However, you may have your real name removed from the comment ‑field, so that only your username will be shown in your newsgroup postings and electronic mail. You may enter any appropriate comment in your comment field. (d) Quantum has the right to reserve certain usernames for internal use. (e) We do not read, examine or inspect the information contained in user files, electronic mail messages or newsgroup postings, except for troubleshooting purposes, and only with your consent.


4. Payment. If the annual payment term is not selected and paid in advance, then payment of the service fee (for the selected period of service) is due in advance on the first day of the month. Payments not made by the date noted on Quantum’s invoice are to be considered delinquent, and will be charged interest at a rate of 1.5% per month (18% per annum), or the maximum permitted legal rate, whichever is less. Returned checks will be charged a fee of the maximum pecuniary penalty permitted by law, or $25, whichever is less. Except for the first month in which service is started, monthly service is not prorated. If you pay by credit card, you agree to pay all billed amounts unless service has been cancelled, or credit card billing has been terminated.


5. Account Suspension & Cancellation. (a) You have the right to cancel your account at the end of the contract period as stated in the Quantum Service Agreement. Early account cancellations may result in an early termination fee (ETF) equal to the balance remaining in your agreement.(b) Quantum reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel any account in accordance with the provisions of the Quantum Service Agreement and these rules and regulations.(c) Monthly service may be prorated for the first month of partial service.


6. Uploading Restrictions. Do not upload any commercial software, or any software that is subject to distribution limits, to Quantum servers.


7. Change of Terms, Conditions and Services. (a) We reserve the right to change the prices, terms and conditions of service, at any time, upon 30 days’ notice via electronic mail. (b) Upon notice of any such change, your rights are set forth in the Quantum Service Agreement.


8. Procedures. (a) Use of our services, systems, servers, and facilities constitutes your agreement with these rules and regulations and the Quantum Service Agreement. If there is a conflict between the Rules and Regulations and the Quantum Service Agreement, the Agreement takes precedence.

(b) If you have questions or any suggestions related to these Rules and Regulations, please send your comment via electronic mail to office@qis.net.


9. User Responsibility. (a) Quantum does not censor, limit or control any information that is received or sent by our system, except in accordance with the provisions of your Quantum Service Agreement and applicable law. We will rely on the complaints from (i) other users on the Quantum system, (ii) users on other hosts on the Internet, and (iii) such other information as may come to our attention. We will take immediate action against any Quantum customer who abuses any Quantum facility or service. (b) In addition to the provisions of your Quantum Service Agreement and applicable law, the following (by way of illustration only and not by way of limitation) are NOT acceptable uses of the Quantum facilities: (i) Messages broadcast, communicated and/or transmitted, which are perceived in any manner, directly or indirectly, as threatening, inappropriate, annoying, o­ffensive, or pornographic. (ii) Messages which, through their frequency of transmission or any other factors are deemed to constitute harassment. (iii) Any "Spamming" of any user on the Internet. (c) Quantum will review all complaints or instances of inappropriate use brought to its attention and will take appropriate action including termination of the customer's account if necessary. (d) If you have any complaints about other customer's use of Quantum facilities, or if you are subject to any inappropriate use of our services/facilities, or if you are made aware of any such conduct/use of services, please notify us at once. Contact us via electronic mail at office@qis.net. Please be as specific as possible.


10. Files. You agree that Quantum has the right to delete all data, files or other information that is stored in your account, if the account with Quantum is terminated for any reason, by either Quantum, or you.


11. Service Suspension. Quantum shall have the right to suspend service to you at any time for reasonable cause, without notice. If service is suspended, Quantum will make reasonable efforts to notify as to the reason.


12. Legal Age. You certify that you are of the legal age required by law to enter into the Quantum Service Agreement.


13. Rules and Regulations. Breach of these Rules and Regulations shall constitute breach of the Quantum Service Agreement and will authorize Quantum to immediately terminate your account. Additionally, you will forfeit all fees and deposits you may have paid, and you shall be responsible for an early termination fee (ETF) for the remaining term of your Quantum Service Agreement, and Quantum shall pursue such other legal remedies as are provided law. Quantum reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations from time to time, and any such amendments shall become effective upon posting the new amendments to http://www.quantel.net/regulations.


14. Use of Quantum's Services. Use of Quantum’s services constitutes acceptance of these Rules and Regulations, and the Quantum Service Order and Agreement

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Use of Quantum's services, systems, servers, and facilities constitutes the customer's agreement with Quantum's Rules and Regulations, and the Quantum Service Agreement, both of which are subject to change without notice.


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